Erik Garnjost artist/builder & trail leader.
Farewell, safe travels and good fortune as you move to your new home upstate.
You have been an integral part of the LDTC for over 10 years.
Your leadership presence will be greatly missed,
but your achievements in trail design, construction and big rocks, will last for many lifetimes.
Excerpt from: On the occasion of Erik's retirement from LDTC ©Dan Rouse 2023
He has toiled for years building steps and pikes
To smooth the way for long distance hikes
Knowing no fear or apprehension
Doing jig saw puzzles in three dimensions
Slings, pullers, shackles and blocks
His tools of the trade for lifting big rocks
Excerpt from: A Legacy Set In Stone ©Jeff Raskin 2023
There’s so much more
We never knew
It’s now our core
A trail crew he grew
Generous and kind
Friend and mentor
A creative mind
Our crew center
Now it's time
To wish him luck
We’ll be fine
In all the muck
Honestly, THANK YOU for all you have given
to each of us and the trails. Your vision,
mentoring and friendship will be missed.